January 2016 - AFS Consultants (AFS) commence Local Port Services (LPS) Training worldwide.

Baku, Azerbaijan - In January 2016, following a successful number of years delivering Local Port Services (LPS) training in the U.K., AFS were delighted when they were commissioned to deliver their 3-day LPS course on-site, in Baku, Azerbaijan. The students, all of whom are Marine Asset Protection and Surveillance officers (MAPSOs), operate a Logistics Control Station (LCS) in one of the offshore oil field sectors in the Caspian Sea. The LPS training course, which follows the UK Maritime and Coastguard (MCA) guidelines, (and is Lloyds Register approved) as meeting the basic training needs for those port personnel who operate in stations other than a Vessel Traffic Service (VTS), was provided by AFS Director, Steve Sanders.
Steve said, "This is a first for AFS in delivering this particular course outside of the UK and illustrates the recognition by the industry at large that all shore staff can benefit greatly from appropriate training provision. In particular, we are thrilled that our Clients (in this case port consultants and oil majors) recognise that AFS can provide them with the right workplace courses anywhere in the world".